I 19 confess that in younger times i have stolen some cars, just to crash them
I confess i had my vasectomie in secret because my wife wanted babies
I f26, confess that i have stolen money from my parents ever since i was 10yrs old, and it goes on to this day
I confess that i am afraid to share my failings with anyone.
I admit that i regularly pee when i'm in the Bathtub, and worse in every Pool i get in. I just can't help it.
I confess that i consumate lots of illegal substances and probably need help. But can't let anyone know.
I, m26, care to admit that my dog Jumper honors his Name in the most disgusting way possible. He Humps everything, just now i caught him on a cat. Funny: the cat didn't seem to mind.
I am 28 years old and admit to be very unhappy with beein vegan, But since my husband is categoric, i have no choice but to divorce him.
I admit that i have a ton of fun when my Boyfriend tries to help in the kitchen and litteraly burns the boiling water. He gets all anoyed which amuses me, which makes him angry and so on. Should he visit cooking school, or should i continue having fun with it?
I ,26m, admit that i always find someone to pay for my gas or even car maintenance, and my parents still pay for insurance. Hugh savings. LOL
I confess that at age 12 i set on fire random trashcans in my Neighbourhood. I've been a secret bad girl, ever since.
I ,m, admit that my Girl has dumped me yesterday and i am still crying like a baby.
I f18, admit simply not wanting to be an adult. Its to heard
I, 28m, confess that aged 16 i got caught and arrested for stealing womens dessous. My parents almost died from shame, i wonder what would have happend if i'd told them those were for me instead of my Girlfriend. ?
I, 21f, confess i never graduatet and therefor forged my Highschool diploma. Since it worked i have been riddled with guilt. What a relieve it is to tell
I, 26m, admit that i occasionally invite myself into nice peoples house and overstay my welcome. I like seeing them squirming, whispering, sceaming to get me out.
I really want to fall in love, even though I don’t know what it feels like.
i cant lie, i have a crush on my neighbour. she's soo cute but i dont know how to say it to her.
I female 18, have to fess up about my gambling/alcohol addiction but whom to tell?
I, f22, admit i just can't say no to anyone, or any suggestion, am i sick or stupid?
I confess to have been very selfish in my past relationships. Now the tables have turned and i get a taste of my own medicin. I now regret my behaviour entirely and hope to better myself.
I admit steeling the Internet connection of my neighbour by Wifi for almost a year now. In my defense, he never changes his passwort which i got from his angry ex.
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